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My C++ Standards committee papers

Modified February 9, 2024.

This is an incomplete list of papers that I (Bjarne Stroustrup) have written or co-authored for the C++ standards committee. Please remember that these are incomplete proposals, discussions of alternatives, and exploration of the design space. Note also that these papers were all written to a specific audience (the members of the C++ standards committee), at a specific time (relative to the then current draft of the standard), and as part of a specific discussion. They are typically not ideal introcutions for a general audience. Not all has led to or will lead to changes to C++, and most of those will "mutate" significantly as they progress from idea/proposal to final language change. The order is roughly reverse chronological. I aim eventually to gather all of my standard committee papers here. For more information (in particular for essentially all papers since 1993), see the WG21 site. Here is a recent status of work of the "Evolution Working Group"; that is, the group (headed by me 1990-2004 and now by Ville Voutilainen) that is processing the proposals for new language features. Please note that this is a summary, written for the EWG members; not a tutorial. For a summary of C++11, see my C++11 FAQ.

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